Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Made in America

Letter from the CEO

Made in America is gaining momentum across the nation. Diane Sawyer is doing a special Made in America challenge: World News with Diane Sawyer. Charity Charms is proud that our charms are all Made in America to support our economy. Read More...

9/11 10th Anniversary Support

Your organization can support the 10th anniversary commemoration of 9/11. Through supporting this campaign you can share with your staff and supporters the importance of standing behind America. Learn more...

Charity Charms featured product of the month: 
Pewter Keychains

Find out how you can get up to 30% off of our custom pewter keychains through May 31. Here

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Donation Transparency for Retail Items

With the advent of so many companies selling products where a portion of the proceeds benefit charity, I felt compelled to let the consumer know what to watch for:

Donation Transparency for retail items

Percent of net proceeds means = Amount left over after all costs have been accounted for. Which means NOTHING may be donated if there is no profit.

100% of net proceeds or 50% of net proceeds sounds great but unless the dollar amount is specifically spelled out... this is a gray area, that is murky and not transparent.

My policy since I started Charity Charms is to always attach a specific dollar amount to the donation... so there is NO QUESTION about the amount being donated.

For example:
Our Japan Campaign was 100% of NET proceeds donated. The item retails for $20 plus S & H of $4.50 = $24.50. We donated $15 of every $20 which is 100% of the net.

Our retail program has a minimum of 30% net proceeds donation built into the price. We donate $1.50 of every band sold to a retailer. If the retailer purchases the band for $5 and sells them for $10, the net proceeds is $5, and a $1.50 donation was already made, which equals 30%.

On our website we donate 25% of the retail price. If you were purchasing a sterling charm which retails for $50, then $12.50 (or 25%) is donated.

Companies that tout 50% of net proceeds may be donating NOTHING.

Buyer Beware.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Help Spread Awareness with our Helping Hand for Japan Relief Bracelets

Local television's Sonoran Living had us on to talk about our Helping Hand for Japan Bracelets.

You can order your relief bracelet on our website. 100% of net proceeds are donated to the U.S.-Japan Council Earthquake Relief Fund.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lend a helping hand for Japan

In an effort to help those affected by the recent tragedy in Japan, Charity Charms wants to raise funds to donate towards the relief in Japan, and we need your help.

With every purchase of the special edition Helping Hands GivingBands®, $15 will be donated to the U.S.-Japan Council Earthquake Relief Fund, who is collecting donations that directly support the immediate relief and the long-term rebuilding in Japan.


Visit our website to learn more and to make your donation now, and start wearing your support for those affected by the earthquake and tsunami disaster. 

- Charms to Change the World -

Monday, February 14, 2011

Are you using awareness months to market your cause?

Each month of the year is designated as an AWARENESS month for certain causes, and can be a very effective marketing tool for your charity or organization. We have created an awareness calendar to help you find and plan for your awareness month. View here.

One of our partners, WomenHeart, who works to promote women’s heart health, has used this month to help boost online fundraising and raise awareness.

WomenHeart features a stack of three GivingBands that was custom created just for them. See this example of a fabulous e-blast they sent that combines products and information: here.

Charity Charms can help you create a custom fundraising campaign to help you maximize the awareness month that ties in with your cause. We specialize in creating custom products from your logo.

Our full line of colored ribbon charms in sterling silver or on GivingBands are a low cost/low minimum way to also promote your awareness month. View our Cause Sheet here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Charity Charms and Hearts of Stone

Heartwarming Video About Hearts of Stone and GivingBands helping Orphans in Costa Rica

Watch how GivingBands® took a trip down to Costa Rica and helped Hearts of Stone brighten up some children’s lives. Hearts of Stone’s Pura Vida No Pro is an event for the orphans of Hospicio de Huérfanos de San Jose in Costa Rica. The kids get to take surfing lessons, play games, and compete in a fun surfing competition. The event focuses on providing a forum for these children to see a new future and provide inspiration to succeed and share the good things in life.

This year, a donation of Peace GivingBands® was made by a private donor to give to the kids as a gift, to remind them that people care for them. Charity Charms is so proud to be a part of such a wonderful cause.

It is stories like this that inspired the Charity Charms concept. If you would like to know more about Hearts of Stone, or the PVNP surfing event, please visit or contact Steve Sanchez at